Fact Sheet

Goal: To provide financial support and direction to community organizations supporting residents of the Tri-county homeless population in their transition to permanent housing.

The purpose of the Homeless to Hope Fund (H2HF) is to work alongside other funding opportunities, not replace them. Many funding sources are limited due to restrictions based on federal guidelines, income charts, dollar limits, specific populations served, or other eligibility requirements. The H2HF offers more flexibility.

Service Population

H2HF determines funding eligibility by HUD’s definitions for homelessness. Individuals must qualify under one of the definitions below:

• “Literally Homeless”- primary criteria used when H2HF was established in February 2016 to assist with providing housing opportunities for residents of Tent City.

• “Imminent Risk of Homelessness”- currently limited to loss of housing within 14 days and an eviction notice has been served.

• “Homeless under other Federal Statutes”- specifically related to youth under 25 years of age, or families with children and youth.

• “Fleeing/Attempting to Flee Domestic Violence”- H2HF relies heavily on the recommendations of providers specifically trained for such situations and H2HF is not necessarily the appropriate first step.

Funding Opportunities

H2HF provides funding for: Rental Assistance; Emergency Shelter; Transitional Housing and Emergency Transportation. These requests are submitted by active partner agencies and reviewed thoroughly on a case-by-case basis.

H2HF has also provided funding to the H2HF Furniture Warehouse for mattresses; and to the lead organizations of the new Day Resource Center for purposes of establishing a central location for the homeless community to secure housing and related supportive services.

Prevention funding is not available at this time.